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May 01, 2016
Author : Admin

What are the new developments in the field of web designing ?

Web designing has been an ever expanding industry since the number of users on the web has drastically increased from 74 million in 1996 to the current markup of over 2 billion.

The major innovations were the usage introduction of CSS to make HTML code semantic and PHP ,which paved the way for dynamic web pages.Subsequently web 2.0 has seen a rise in social media sites,blogs and wikis to dominate the web.

The recent open source revolution and the mobile web designing has drawn the scope to new dimensions.Currently,the development kits are freely available online and in the recent week, Apple has released their flagship Maverick OS as an open source model for any aspiring developer to develop and modify and distribute for further improvement, a very important aspect of open source software is collaboration and improvement.

Web designing is poised to see a massive upheaval in the coming years , with many gadgets getting synchronized and valuable product offering to be made in special highlights..Refridgerators,cars ,etc. Television sets have already implemented the smart tv model and is the logical migration of technology. 

Web design involves not just the layout but creative,relevant and appreciable elements to be integrated into it to make navigation and/or understanding of the content wider, deeper and in more detail.Today's large presence of web designing professionals across the world have a large role to play in embracing the ever multiplying rate of technology upheaval and offer a crystal and dynamic interface to access the back end and other services offered.

If you like this article and would like to get more insights on website designing, you can get in touch with us at

April 30, 2016
Author : Admin

How the 3D animation industry is growing ?

The field of 3D animation has grown tremendously over the years.Early developments in the University of Utah by Ed Sullivan who innovated modelling and cgi effects eventually goes on to found Pixar, one of the world leaders in 3d animation.

Since the 1980's, the processing of computers has enabled many programmers to ,ap objects in 3D like building schematics, machine parts,etc. This has lead to massive innovations in other fields like computer automated design .Even early in the day, cgi and 3D effects were used in commercial enterprises to create many works of art and creative animation,which has turned to a booming industry inviting lots of recognition and attention in recent years.

There are three phases in 3D animation :

1. 3D modeling  the process of forming a computer model of an object's shape.

2. Layout and animation  the motion and placement of objects within a scene.

3. 3D rendering  the computer calculations that, based on light placement, surface types, and other qualities, generate the image.

The modeling phase involves the mapping of the object into a 3D model using tools by defining points or vertices which form polygons all over the surface.Rendering places the object in a 3D spatial co-ordinate or space which is laid out for the object to take on movements which is done by defining it's vertices' spatial distribution over time.Popular methods are keyframing,inverse kinematics and motion capture.Photo realistic style is applied by altering the light balance of the surroundings, which adds realistic effects over time.

The biggest thriving industry using 3D animation is the video game industry, currently marked up at $10 billion.Video game designers have taken the field of 3D animation into unforseen heights by using full creativity and discovering thousands of techniques used all over the world for many productive applications like the field of scale modeling,anisotropic filtering and so on. The VFX industry which supports major movie industries around the world is also a massive enterprise and create works which enthrall and set the highest standards in creativity.

If you like this article and would like to get more insights on #3D Animation, you can get in touch with us at

April 24, 2016
Author : Admin

How advertising has evolved over the years...?

Advertising for the general populace has changed it's course over the last few years from the traditional advertising to the digital advertising based model.

Traditional advertising largely relied on the media companies to distribute their information, which had a limited information access system both in media content and advertising.The advertising had to be bid or brokered in exchange for screen time,air time or print space in television,radio and newspapers respectively.Other services like Yellow pages supplemented businesses but the updates are not regular and customers cannot be reached effectively.

Current advertising platform has been created by the innovation that is Google's AdSense which gives value to the quality and success rate of the advertisment to push down it's prices, almost a reverse bid in exchange for hits.The customer base has largely been widened due to the success of the internet revolution.Even in remote areas there is connectivity via mobile networs and broadband, thus there is complete reliance on the information from the internet in communities all over the world.

Major reasons for the success is the forum style of most product listings online which involves a comment section of past users,experts and many variety of opinions which goes a long way to satisfy even the opinions and motivations of the niche customer.Another major trend is the system of tracking users all over the web using advertising beacons,tracking cookies ,etc. which collect information of the user's past history and suggests suitable products and services which the user may find to be likely to purchase or be interested in.

However,this trend is counter-productive and in recent days, a psychological and moral overstep or oversight. Many users all over the world are irked by the intrusion of privacy,the logging of personal information into many files in databases in an undisclosed location. This is an issue which is waiting to blow over and needs to be kept in check. This is not necessary however since the best form of advertising is to directly ask the customer and post related articles into open forums and monitor and share each supplier and business data between companies to enrich the customer base. Maintaining an innovative and aesthetic website,surveys,mail subscriptions to attract deals,etc. are very positive steps and will attract more customers.

If you like this article and would like to get more insights on latest #Advertising techniques, you can get in touch with us at

April 12, 2016
Author : Admin

How Branding helps your Business ?

Branding is a vital process in the marketing of the company's image to it's clientele and the general inquiring public.Branding esentially communicates to the discerning person on the consistent brand strategy of the company. A sign of their sphere of influence.Branding as a concept goes beyond the logo,trademark or name to reflecting the very nature of the company's motivation and image.

Branding is a process which involves many levels of development ,deployment and subsequent integrated marketing in line with the business strategy. Branding enables the customer to discover and gain insights into the brand. Good positioning and identity development leads to brand development in a parallel track with the business of the company.

Another major factor is adoption of the brand, both by the employees and the clients. There needs to exist brand guidelines to lead people to think and percieve the brand in a positive and benefitial manner.The vision and mission statements are the key elements of this process.When done right, effective branding can help the company perform integrated marketing synonymous with the market planning and deliver the message through channel and media implementation.

Critical to effective brand management is the clear definition of the brand's audience and the objectives that the brand needs to achieve. This is achieved by conducting a market analysis. An informal market analysis and determining the possible target audience enables the company to tackle barriers and roadblocks toward the  future productivity.

A good brand achieves two objectives:

1. Attracting new customers or clients to use the goods or services offered by the company who are attracted due to the positive advertising and brand value of the company and are willing to use the company.

2. Customer retention or retaining old customers, a process which is as important as gaining new customers to ensure the continual growth of the company and a brand loyalty wherein the existing customers can direct new customers to the company.

The image the brand envisions either strengthens or weakens the company. The image is all in the packaging. Clients and customers will make assessments of the company based on these things and customer appraisal of the brand, consciously or unconsciously goes toward strenghtening the brand value.

If you like this article and would like to get more insights on new #branding solutions, you can get in touch with us at

April 01, 2016
Author : Admin

How Marketing works ?

Marketing is a process of elucdating and communicating to the customer on the products and offings from the company.Marketing effectively is achieved through thorough understanding of the customer base, their motivations and dispositions in order to generate interest,fan following and future investment in the same.

Before drafting a marketing plan, many factors need to be accounted for like the company's financial standing,a listing of products or services,understanding of the marketplace and input from employees,salespersons and people in the field who assist in the company's activities.

This pre-existing framework enables the company to assess the market situation effectively and to test different snapshots of the market against each other.

The next major step is the assessment of Threats and Opportunities of the company.This is done as an offshoot of the earlier process and requires many of the same inputs to assist the decision makers to make informed and calculated decision to gain the maximum impact and to minimise any negative publicity incurred by the same.

Once all these factors are accounted for, the step for the company to take us to assess the market trends and styles of the current audience.There are many ways technology and mobile applications are working to give information to the consumers in a beautiful,simple and effective manner to many thousands of people all over the world simultaneously.

The most important online platform is through social media. There needs to be deep understanding of the formats offered by social websites and the potential customers on the website.For example, Facebook can publish advertisments which have a word length of more than 100 and can communicate the whole basis for the advertisment whereas a platform like twitter uses 160 characters or less which places a word restriction, but is very effective at reaching large groups of people who would find it interesting and most people give free publicity as it takes a fraction of a second to repost it in either of these platforms.

If you like this article and would like to get more insights on new #marketing #strategies, you can get in touch with us at

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